What is Generative Art
L'Arte e la Progettazione Generativa
Generative Art Philisophy 1
Generative Art Philosophy 2
1991 - Simulation tools for the dynamic evolution of town shape planning (C.Soddu, Oxford Polytechnic 1991)
1991 - C.Soddu, “Simulation tools for the learning approach to the dynamic evolution of town shape, architecture, and industrial design“,
in “CALISCE“, Press Polytecniques et Universitaries Romandes, Lausanne 1991.
1993 - C.Soddu, E.Colabella, “The morphogenetic design as an artificial intelligence system to support the management of design procedures“,
in “The management of IT for Construction“ Singapore 1993
1993 - C.Soddu, "Human Machine Interaction in Design Processes" in “Computer Science, Communications and Society“, NEUCHATEL 1993
1993 - The DESIGN OF MORPHOGENESIS. An experimental research about the logical procedures in design processes.(C.Soddu, Demetra Magazine 1993)
1995 - Recreating the City's Identity with a morphogenetic urban design(C.Soddu, E.Colabella, Freiburg 1995)
1995 - Artificial Intelligence and Architectural Design (C.Soddu, E.Colabella, Singapore 1995)
1995 - Internet (italian language) C.Soddu, Milano 1997
1997 - Argenic Design (C.Soddu, E.Colabella,Stochkolm 1997)
1997 - (Design Argenico, versione italiana)
1997 - A natural approach to industrial design: Argenic Design, C.Soddu, E. Colabella, new simplicity? International Furniture Design Conference, 27/29 Aug 1997, Helsinki
1999 - C.Soddu, Recognizability of the Idea: the evolutionary process of Argenia (paper at AISB Symposium, Edinburgh, April 1999)
1998 - Argenia, a Natural Generative Design, C.Soddu, GA'98, Milan
1999 - Recognizability of designer imprinting in Generative Artwork, C.Soddu, GA'99 Milan
2000 - C.Soddu, "New naturality: a Generative Approach to Art and Design", Leonardo Magazine, MIT Press
2000 - Argenia, Art's Idea as Generative Code (C.Soddu, GECCO 2000, workshop on genetic Algorithms in visual Art and Music, Las Vegas, July 2000)
2000 - From Forming to Transforming, C.Soddu, GA2000, Milan
2001 - Generative Natural Flux, C.Soddu, GA2001, Milan
2002 - "La Citta' Ideale", Generative Codes Design Identity, C.Soddu, GA2002, Milan
2003 - Visionary Aesthetics and Architecture Variations, C.Soddu, GA2003, Milan
2004 - Meta-Code, Identity's Borders, C.Soddu, GA2004, Milan
2006 - Generative Design. A swimmer in a natural sea frame, C.Soddu, GA2006, Milan
2007 - Endless interpretations, infinite in the mirror, C.Soddu, GA2007, Milan
2005 - Generative Art in Visionary Variations, Celestino Soddu, Art+Math=X conference, University of Colorado, Boulder, 2005
2005 - Math + Poetry = Bivocal Art, Enrica Colabella, Art+Math=X conference, University of Colorado, Boulder, 2005
2005 - Argenia, a mother tongue in infinite variations, C.Soddu, E.Colabella, DCC conference workshop, MIT Boston, 2005
2004 -
, C.Soddu, article at ARCHITECT magazine, China
2008 - Pantheon, lumen in splendore, C.Soddu, E.Colabella, Aplimat, Bratislava 2008
2010 - Perspective, visionary Process: The Main Generative Road for Crossing Dimensions, C.Soddu, NNJ, Springer 2010
2008 - Alive Codeness, C.Soddu, GA2008
2009 - 20 years Argenia evolution, C.Soddu, GA2009
2009 - Viva Naturalia ad Artem, E.Colabella, GA2009
2010 - Curved Spacetime Perspectives as Generative Engine, C.Soddu, GA2010
2010 - Sensus Communis, E.Colabella, GA2010
2011 - Baroc Generative Algorithms, C.Soddu, GA2011
2011 - Generative Art Philosophy, Ars Artium, E.Colabella, GA2011
2012 - Generative Design, C.Soddu, article on GASATHJ, Generative Art Science and Technology hard Journal, issue #1
2012 - Rhythmus in folding a page, E.Colabella, article on GASATHJ, Generative Art Science and Technology hard Journal, issue #1
2012 - Rhythm in Generative Art, E.Colabella, GA2012
2012 - Logics of Imagination. Generative Art performs the Artist Style as Executable Process, C.Soddu, GA2012
2013 - MusicaBlu. Generative Music Design, C.Soddu, article on GASATHJ, Generative Art Science and Technology hard Journal, issue #2
2013 - Why Generative Art?, C.Soddu and E.Colabella, opening of GA2013
2013 - MUSICABLU. Generative Music Design software for increasing human creativity and generating unique and notrepeatable musical scores
, C.Soddu, GA2013
2013 - Imaginative constrains for generative chain, E.Colabella, GA2013
2014 - Generative Art Cloud, C.Soddu and E.Colabella, opening of GA2014
2014 - Generative Art Geometry. Logical interpretations for Generative Algorithms
, C.Soddu, GA2014
2014 - Generative Artist behind machine, E.Colabella, GA2014
2015 - Generative Art Cloud, C.Soddu and E.Colabella, opening of GA2015
2015 - Generative Design Futuring Past
, C.Soddu, GA2015
2015 - Poetic Logic, E.Colabella, GA2015
2016 - Discovering the persistent deep memory in Generative Design. Duets, C.Soddu, GA2016
2016 - Generative Line, Enrica Colabella, GA2016
2017 - Designing Generative Art. Mosaic concept, Creativity, and Idea in Generative Design, C.Soddu, GA2017
2017 - Generative Art Language, Enrica Colabella, GA2017
2018 - Generative art MetaLanguage, Enrica Colabella, GA2018
2019 - Subjectivity in Machine. The Future of Generative Art, C.Soddu, GA2019
2019 - Numbering, where trees move, Enrica Colabella, GA2019
2020 - Generative Art, FUTURING PAST, ebook edited C.Soddu and E.Colabella, Rome June 2020
2020 - Generative Art, Where Threes Move, ebook edited C.Soddu and E.Colabella, Rome September 2020
2020 - Generative Art & Design Theory, Methodology and Projects, ebook by C.Soddu and E.Colabella (English version of "Il progetto ambientale di Morfogenesi" 1992
• Other papers in the site of the annual Generative Art Conferences 1998-2014
ART Annual International Conference, Politecnico di Milano, Italy"